Released on the Winter Solstice 21.12.2020, amidst a decimating initiatory period in my life that entailed magickal work with Babalon, Love Is Here To Slay is an anthology of visual artworks created in automatic sessions through the blast of power that flowed through me that time. Channelling primitive imagination to the modern era, this was an experimental collection of works oozing straight from the breaking:singing heart of apocalypsis in the belly of the fire. Revelling in fantasy, eroticism, psychedelia, and excess, running wild between the spaces of abstraction and symbolism, glamour and grotesqueness, with high-octane intensity in the heavy-handed use of distortion, colour saturation, and the mirror, inversion, and the body as primary tools for transformation.
A magickal record of devotion to the very is of life, Mystery, and of attempts at mastering the most difficult of spells: I set you free. What happens when we let go, when we dare to live ecstatically and fully in the face of death that union, love & life demand? My answer is one I cannot utter. The works compiled here point to it, but can you dance in silence? A song will soon be rising from the tomb. A rose unfurling now among the dancing maggots. I set you free. Go try it in the mirror. And then with your whole world. I set you free. Goodbye, my Love, goodbye. And then, begin again, no man.
A few remaining copies of the book (ltd ed of 77) are available to be purchased on my art store.